Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Ajit Mahale, Dr. Keerthiraj B, Dr. Merwyn Fernandes, Dr. Chanabasappa Chavadi, Dr. Devika C, Dr. Shaloo

Abstract :

 T Aims : 1. To establish definitive diagnosis of bone pathology by means of CT– guided core needle bone biopsy. 2. Comparison of pre–biopsy radiological diagnosis with post biopsy HPE confirmation Methods and materials : 50 patients used in the study. Conducted at Department of Radio diagnosis, Kasturba Medical College and other affiliated hospitals, Manipal University , Mangalore Grid method of CT marking in Bright speed / Light speed GE CT equipment. 12gaugeguide with 14 gauge core biopsy Ackermann needle Results : Our study shows Percutaneous CT guided bone biopsy has higher accuracy rate 1. Diagnostic accuracy varies between 70–93%. 2. For high grade malignant lesions, accuracy rate of definitive diagnosis was more than 90 %. 3. For benign neoplastic lesions, accuracy rate was 80 % 4. For infectious processes, accuracy rate was lower 50% Conclusions: Percutaneous CT guided bone biopsy is considered nowadays procedure of choice in musculoskeletal lesions in our institution.

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Dr.Ajit Mahale, Dr. Keerthiraj B, Dr.Merwyn Fernandes, Dr.Chanabasappa Chavadi, Dr. Devika C, Dr. Shaloo Prospective and Retrospective Study of CT Guided Bone Biopsy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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