Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017


Eleomar V. Moraes, Dr. Olegario Rosa De Toledo, Dr. Flavia Lucia David, Mariza M. Avelino

Abstract :

 The Zika Virus (ZIKV) is the responsible agent for the latest epidemic to affect the Americas. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world population exposed is 1,357,605,792 individuals, 207,713,686,176 (15.3%) of them are in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate ZIKV peculiarities, such as diagnosis, clinical status, treatment and prevention. Methodology: It was an integrative review, which had 204 articles analyzed. Results: Studies indicate that the offspring can be infected in any trimester of gestation. Sexual transmission is confirmed and pregnant women with partners at risk should use condoms on all types of sexual relations. In addition to these factors, there are uncertainties in the determination of the dimension of this pathology because, after the certainty of the existence of a new strain of the virus in Brazil, doubts about the true percentage of asymptomatic ones regarding this lineage were found. In this perspective, the cephalic perimeter varied according to the intensity of exposure to ZIKV, hindering the diagnosis. In addition, adult individuals infected with ZIKV with severe thrombocytopenia were found. As consequence, it is recommended to avoid prescribing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and derivatives to these patients, preventing hemorrhagic complications. Conclusion: There are advances in diagnosis, treatment, clinical status and prevention. Despite this, we are far from understanding the pathophysiology of this infection, so further studies are needed. 

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Eleomar V. Moraes, Dr.Olegario Rosa de Toledo, Dr.Flavia Lucia David, Mariza M. Avelino, PROFILE OF THE ZIKA VIRUS EPIDEMIC IN BRAZIL AND WORLDWIDE, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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