Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Profile of Children with Disabilities Receiving Rehabilitation Services in A Tertiary Care Hospital

Neetu Sharma, Divya Sahu

Abstract :

Each child born is an asset for future. Future of family as well as nation lies in the hands of our children. Thus they should be nutured and cared right from inception. If this doesnot happen then resposibility bearer himself becomes a burden to the community. Childhood disability is one such example. It is a preventable morbidity.Thus it is essential to know about the factors which contributes to its occurrence. This hospital based study finds 64.1% children with disabilities were in age group 1 to 5 years and majority had either locomotor disability (35.8%) or mental disability (26.9%). They mostly belonged to social class V and VI(34.6% and 32.0% respectively) with 40% fathers and 50% mothers had either education below primary or had no education. 67% of them reside in rural areas

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Neetu Sharma, Divya Sahu / Profile of Children with Disabilities Receiving Rehabilitation Services in A Tertiary Care Hospital / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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