Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2019


Dr Baljinder Kaur, Dr Navpreet Kaur, Dr. Gurnoor Singh, Dr Supreet Kaur

Abstract :

In our study, 34 children of type 1 diabetes mellitus were taken who presented to our set up with diabetic ketoacidosis. Maximum number of children with diabetes mellitus who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis were in the age group of 10 – 18 years(64.70%) followed by age group of >5 – 10 years of age(26.47%) and minimum number of children were in the age group of 2 – 5 years(8.82%) with mean age of presentation is 11.3 years(n=11.3). Number of female cases outnumbers the number of male cases( 55.88% vs 44.11%). RBS levels were on the higher side in all the presenting cases(n=366 mg/dl) and corresponding HbA1c levels were also on the higher side(n=10.8). 64.70% children of diabetic ketoacidosis presented to us with respiratory distress as their presenting complaint, 35.29% children presented with fever, 26.47% children presented with polyuria and polydipsia, 20.50% children presented with pain abdomen, 14.70% children presented with vomiting as their presenting complaint. With insulin therapy both lab profile and clinical improvement ensues. RBS level reduces to <250 mg/dl within few hours(n=6.2 hours). Mean time taken to shift the patients from iv to sc insulin was 19.2 hours(n=19.2 hours).On further study of cases, association were found between type 1 diabetes mellitus and celiac disease(10%), and with hypothyroidism(6%). 10% of children presented to our department with diabetic ketoacidosis were having both celiac disease and hypothyroidism. It took several days for the children presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis for their discharge(n=13.7 days).Parental understanding regarding the disease and treatment has a worthwhile effect while children of ignorant parents are seen having multiple number admissions with diabetic ketoacidosis in these 9 months of study

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PROFILE OF CHILDREN PRESENTING WITH DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS IN OUR SET UP, Dr Baljinder Kaur, Dr Navpreet Kaur, Dr. Gurnoor Singh, Dr Supreet Kaur INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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