Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Production Working Time Expenditure Management and Critical Path Analysis for Men’s Casual Wear

R. Anil Kumar, Dr. R. I. Sathya

Abstract :

Time management has become a primary aspect in global textile and apparel business. Survival from elimi –nation due to hard competition from global manufacturers has leaded the industries to efficiently organize a timely production process. Time management is a critical factor in production and is related to production, planning and execution. It is directly related to Quality Control, Cost analysis and production efficiency. A well planned production sequence will enable to execute and complete a process in time so as to proceed with a new process. Time management is a continuing process throughout the life span of an industry. Every production operation carries a critical path where in it is necessary to maintain a continuous flow of work and any delay in critical path leads to unimaginable loss pertaining to an imperfect reputation of a concern. This article is about the research that was carried out during the production of men’s casual wear. The main aim was to determine the flow of work, time action of each work pertaining to the study based on time study in the production section, critical path analysis in the production process and finally to determine and alternate imperfections in the process flow.

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R. ANIL KUMAR, DR. R. I. SATHYA Production Working Time Expenditure Management and Critical Path Analysis for Men’s Casual Wear Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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