Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017


Mrs. Madhuri Hooda, Mrs. Shobha Saini

Abstract :

 The present article shed light on benefits of procrastination. Procrastination does ing short–term benefits to health. Procrastinators do appear to benefit from the carefree, causal situation they create for themselves early in the project phase. Non–procrastinators get right to work on the project and apparently begin to suffer from the stress and health problems right away, too. We all know that man is a social animal. He wants to live in a group and he shows group behavior as well as individual behavior .Studies shows that group behavior is dynamic as it ever changing process. So, there is a burden of group and individual tasks on him. Thus, he has to perform many tasks at a time. Now, it is human behavior that he does more pleasurable tasks first instead of less pleasurable tasks. By doing so, he feels pleasure. So, he does less urgent work for his pleasure. Sometimes, he trifles by this type of behavior. He seeks to do unfavorable things. He leaves some tasks which have to be accomplished. Procrastination is common in about all human being or generally says procrastination is a common event and is often unavoidable because there are thousands of potential tasks that human could be doing at any time. Active procrastinators are people who are capable of acting on their decision in timely manner, and their effectiveness is not negatively impacted. Active procrastinators understand the purpose of time, knows how to control their use of time, and demonstrates appropriate coping styles. Thus active procrastinators will display different characteristics than passive procrastinators and might be exposed to short–term benefits. 

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Mrs. Madhuri Hooda, Mrs. Shobha Saini, PROCRASTINATION IS NOT ALWAYS HARMFUL, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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