Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2018


Nipa Sarkar

Abstract :

The liberated woman has come to the face today.The term chiefly implies a women who is independent economically.For other things a woman still needs her family.She cannot be liberated in matters of family otherwise she will not be accepted by the society.When we consider the problems of a working woman in our society,her domestic life comes to mind immediately

A working woman of today may belong to the middle, lower or higher stages of society. Working women of middle or lower class have the work for economic reasons while those belonging to the higher class work to pass time. The woman who works for financial reasons has to face many problems. They have to work in an organization, after she is sniggered at, people make passes at her and criticize her work just because she is a woman. However hard working she might be in her work, there are people ready to find faults in her work in order to harass her if she does not submit to their lewd advances. The poor woman cannot report against these people for fear of losing her job or her reputation in the eyes of colleagues, family or society. She indeed has to keep walking on a razors edge all the time.

Her domestic life is also not smooth. Nobody bothers to find out her requirement to be fulfilled. Nobody shows any consideration for the poor working woman. She is sandwiched between two worlds and reduced to a virtual robot, trying to perform her functions and duties to the best of her abilities. The concept of working woman, leading a blissful domestic life, has not yet been accepted by out – society. In this century, a woman actively participates in workplace many woman desire a career and a place in this world. They want to become self–dependent individuals, independent and free from others. One thing that is clear is that women in all careers are striving to gain equality in the work place today. Through their determination, women now have the ability to eak out of the gender roles that were created for them by society. Throughout history women have taken the role of housewife, mother and nature. Even today, motherhood is still considered to be the primary role for women. Because women were viewed as homemakers they were not thought of as managers or professional. Even today, women are not treated the same as men. Discrimination can be an uncomfortable situation for the women involved.

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