Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Problems of Child Labour (Boys) in Tirupati Town, Chittoor Dist

Dr. B. Raveendra Naik, S. Sravan Kumar

Abstract :

 The problem of child labour is on the increases today in spite of the legal sanction and constitutional provision against it child labour is that form of work a child is engaged in it is detrimental to the growth and development of the child. In the cities, towns and villages of our great nation one can see young children at work, earning their livelihood and supporting their families with as much responsibility as any adult.  An overwhelming majority of the population in India being of agriculturists a child here is considered as assets and as consequences the proportion of children below 14 years in the total population is high.  A clear connection between poverty and the economic gains of child labour is also established.  A child is neither expected nor does it wish to take up a job unless someone or the circumstances complexes his/her to do so.  Children naturally would like to play or learn and to be loved and prepared by parents and not wish to labour hard

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Dr. B. Raveendra Naik, S. Sravan Kumar, PROBLEMS OF CHILD LABOUR (BOYS) IN TIRUPATI TOWN, CHITTOOR DIST Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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