Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Probiotics and its role in Diarrhoea – A Review Article

Dr. Anand Chaudhary, Dr. Vinayak Chauhan

Abstract :

The increasing cost of health care, the steady increase in life expectancy and the desire of the elderly for improved quality of their lives are driving factors for research and development in the area of functional foods. Although the concept of functional foods was introduced long ago with Hippocrates and his motto “Let food be your medicine”, fairly recently the body of evidence started to support the hypothesis that diet may play an important role in modulation of important physiological functions in the body. Among a number of functional compounds recognized so far, bioactive components from fermented foods and probiotics certainly take the center stage due to their long tradition of safe use, and established and postulated beneficial effects. Probiotics have made their way into healthcare and are more likely to be our friend than our enemy. Despite our rapidly increasing knowledge of pathogen–host interactions, the role of beneficial bacteria in preventing the emergence of pathogenic species health remains obscure. There is a great need to elucidate the role of the beneficial microbiota, to identify beneficial bacteria and to conduct proper large–scale studies on the usefulness of probiotics to maintain or improve health.

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Dr.Anand Chaudhary, Dr.Vinayak Chauhan Probiotics and its role in Diarrhoea � A Review Article Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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