Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Probable Toxic Effect of Methotrexate on visual pathway using visual Evoked potential

Doulah, A, Shushtarian, S. M

Abstract :

 Aim: Methotrexate is a drug generally prescribed to treat the patients with cancer and autoimmune diseases. The drug has different side effects on different organs of the human body. The aim of present work is to check the probable toxic effect of this drug on visual pathway using visual evoked potential. Method: Twenty five patients taking methotrexate for one year, 2.5 mg three times per week were selected for the purpose of present study. Visual evoked potential was recorded in patients group. Pattern reversal checker board was used to stimulate the eyes of the subjects. Latency (msec) and amplitude (µV) of VEP, P100 peak was measured in each patients. Mean & standard deviation were calculated for each group. The same procedure was repeated for 25 healthy population as far as visual system was concerned. The results obtained in two group compared together using SPSS version 13 to search for probable statistically significant differences among case and control groups. Results: The mean latencies /S.D. and amplitudes /S.D. of VEP, P100 peaks were 98.16±11.15 and 95.32±10.21 msec and 3.4±1.2 and 3.8±1.11 µV in case and control groups respectively. The difference between two groups were not statistically significant as far as latency and amplitude of VEP, P100 peak were concerned. Conclusion: From the results of present work it is obvious that visual pathway is not affected in methotrexate consuming patients which will be explained in full paper in detail.

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Doulah, A, Shushtarian, S.M Probable Toxic Effect of Methotrexate on Visual Pathway Using Visual Evoked Potential Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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