Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Primary Malt Lymphoma of Bladder–A Rare Case

Dr Goutham Gopinath, Dr Remya, Dr Aarathi Krishnan

Abstract :

Lymphoma of bladder is a rare condition representing 0.6% of all lymphoma cases. We are presenting an interesting case of Primary lymphoma of MALT subtype which is rare in bladder. Primary malignant lymphoma of the urinary bladder was first described in 1885 and marked female preponderance was reported. Hematuria, Urinary frequency and dysuria are the most common presenting symptom in these cases. cases of MALT–type lymphoma showed lymphoepithelial lesions in transitional epithelium and colonisation of reactive follicles by monocytoidB cells. Immunohistological Staining of lymphomas of the urinary bladder varies by the subtype of lymphoma; Bcell lymphomas are CD20 positive. MALT lymphoma is positively stained for CD20, CD19, and FMC7. We are reporting a 70 year old male patient who presented with urinary symptoms, detected to haveprimary MALT lymphoma of bladder. The disease progressed rapidly inspite of timely diagnosis.

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Dr Goutham Gopinath, Dr Remya, Dr Aarathi Krishnan Primary Malt Lymphoma of Bladder � A Rare Case Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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