Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Primary Liposarcoma of Parotid Gland:a Rare Presentation and Review of Literature

Dr. Aachi Srinivas, Dr. P. Adarsh

Abstract :

Primary liposarcoma of the salivary gland is a very rare tumour with only about 11 reported cases of primary liposarcoma of major salivary glands in literature so far. Clinically this is a tumour of adulthood, mean age is 6th decade with a slight male preponderance.Liposarcomas of the parotid gland have a better prognosis over other soft tissue locations. Complete local excision without adjuvant therapy is the best option. We present a case of solitary swelling of size 4 cm on the left side of the face over the angle of the mandible and below the ear lobule of one year duration and was clinically diagnosed as parotid gland tumour arising from the superficial lobe. Work up was done with routine investigations and FNAC. FNAC suggestive of benign lesion of parotid gland. Superficial parotidectomy was done and histopathological examination revealed liposarcoma of the parotid gland.

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Dr.Aachi Srinivas, Dr.P.Adarsh Primary Liposarcoma of Parotid Gland:a Rare Presentation and Review of Literature Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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