Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. A. Meriton Stanly, Dr. V. Samya

Abstract :

 Introduction: There are many health programmes being implemented specifically aiming to reduce child morbidity and mortality. Children with severe malnutrition have high mortality rates. The community has not been explained of the risk that severely malnourished children due to diarrhea have an increased risk of death. It is important to know the prevalence of malnutrition for reducing the morbidity and mortality in children. Aim: To estimate the prevalence of under nutrition among under 5 children in a rural population Materials and Methods:This was a cross sectional study done among children among 5 years in a rural area. The required sample size was 385 by using an alpha error of 5% and absolute precision 5%. The under 5 children were selected by simple random sampling technique. The data was collected with a pre tested questionnaire from house to house survey from june 2014 to November 2014 in a rural area. Results:This study was done among 385 under 5 children. Among the selected children 50.7% were males and 49.3% were females. Based on IAP classification, the prevalence of under nutrition was 42.9% and that were among the males were 21.1% and 21.8% among females. Children with birth weight less than 2.5 kg had 2.9 times greater risk of under nutrition and found to be statistically significant. Children who did not have exclusive eastfeeding had 2.7 times higher risk of under nutrition Conclusion: The prevalence of under nutrition can be reduced by proper Antenatal care, exclusive Breast feeding, commencement of weaning at right time, complete immunization and proper personal hygiene

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Dr.A. MERITON STANLY, Dr.V. SAMYA Prevalence of Undernutrition Among Under 5 Children in A Rural Area Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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