Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018


Dr. Sangram S Pundir, Dr. Jaswant Goyal, Ms. Saloni Chandalia, Dr. Barkha Goyal, Dr. Sumit Kumar Gakkhar

Abstract :

Background There is evidence that psychological and psychiatric disorders are common in general healthcare settings.   Objectives ·         Study the incidence of psychological symptoms in general healthcare settings ·         Study the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients presenting in general healthcare settings   Materials &Methods 200 patients presenting to General OPD in a large service hospital in Mumbai were administered the Symptom Checklist–90 Revised (SCL–90R). Those patients who had significant scores on the scale were assessed for psychiatric disorders as per ICD 10 criteria by two independent psychiatrists.   Results The incidence of significant psychological symptoms in patients presenting to general healthcare was 20.5% as per SCL 90 R. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general healthcare was 19% (Depressive disorders 10%, Anxiety disorders 6%, somatoform disorders 2% and alcohol dependence 1%).       Conclusion A substantial proportion of patients presenting to general healthcare have significant psychological symptoms and well defined psychiatric disorders.

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Dr. Sangram S Pundir, Dr. Jaswant Goyal, Ms. Saloni Chandalia, Dr. Barkha Goyal, Dr. Sumit Kumar Gakkhar, PREVALENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY AND DISORDERS IN HOSPITAL SETTING, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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