Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Prevalence Of Modifiable Risk Factors In Recurrent Stroke: An Original Research Study In Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. K. V. Seshaiah, Dr. P. S. Usha Rani, Dr. R. Siddeswari, Dr. K. Sudhakar, Dr. Teja Chennamsetty, Dr. Ch. Kedarnath, Dr. M. Vidya, Dr. P. Tejeswi, Dr. Srlk Varshini

Abstract :

 Aim: To study the prevalence of modifiable risk factors in recurrent stroke in patients admitted to medical wards in Government General Hospital, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Methods: Detailed history taking was followed for all patients admitted with recurrent stroke in medical wards of Government General Hospital, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. 21 patients were included in the study. The frequency of different modifiable risk factors including drug non–compliance have been identified for analysis.

Results: out of 21 patients 15 were males and 6 were females. Regarding modifiable risk factors 66.67% patients were found to be drug non–compliant. 52.38% continued to be alcoholic and smokers. 66.67% were hypertensive and 52.38% patients were diabetic.

Conclusion: Drug non–compliance found to be a major modifiable risk factor for recurrent stroke in addition to hypertension. There is a need to improve stroke rehabilitation measures all over the country to reduce the burden of recurrent stroke and related morbidity and mortality.

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Dr. K.V.Seshaiah, Dr. P.S.Usha Rani, Dr. R. Siddeswari, Dr. K. Sudhakar, Dr. Teja Chennamsetty, Dr. Ch. Kedarnath, Dr. M. Vidya, Dr. P. Tejeswi, Dr. SRLK Varshini, Prevalence Of Modifiable Risk Factors In Recurrent Stroke: An Original Research Study In Tertiary Care Hospital, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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