Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Prevalence of hypothyroidism among diabetes mellitus.

Dr. Usha Saroj, Dr Abhay Kumar

Abstract :

 Aims— There is great variability in the prevalence of hypothyroidism among general population and among diabetes. We

evaluated the prevalence of hypothyroidism among patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods— : It was a cross sectional observational study. All subjects already diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus were assessed for
inclusion – exclusion criteria, and on qualification they were requested to fill up Socio–demographic data sheet or asked verbally and filled up by
investigators. The lab reports were recorded in tabulated form.
Results— sample consisted of 220 subjects with mean age of 45.78 years (± 6.21 years) and mean duration of diabetes 11.56 ± 7.54 years. There
was family history of diabetes among 44 (20%) of the sample. and based on TSH cut off a total of 45 sample size was qualified as hypothyroidism,
consisting 20.45% of the total sample size.
Conclusions— This study finds a prevalence of 20.45% of hypothyroidism among diabetes mellitus.

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Dr. Usha Saroj, Dr Abhay Kumar, Prevalence of hypothyroidism among diabetes mellitus., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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