Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Prevalence of Hiv and the Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Sexual Workers

Janja Bojanic, Gordana Guzijan, Ljubica Bojanic, Ljubica Jandric, Nina Rodicvukmir, Jela Acimovic

Abstract :

 Background: Sexual workers (Sexual Workers –SW) represent the population exposed to extremely high 

risk of HIV and the other sexually transmitted diseases. Objectives: An aim of this research was to evaluate the prevalence of HIV/sexually transmitted infections among SW in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to examine 
knowledge, attitude and behaviour relating to HIV/sexually transmitted infections. Material and methods: Research was 
performed in 2012 as a bio–behavioral study that covered 199 SW in five cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interviewing was done voluntarily, anonymously and confidentially, and after SW informed consent, they were taken a 
biological material (blood) for laboratory testing on HIV, hepatitis b, hepatitis c and syphilis. The results are compared 
to the results obtained in researches conducted in 2008 and 2010. Results: The research shows the presence of risk 
behaviour among SW, mostly related to frequent change of partners and frequent unprotected sexual intercourses. Although there is a risk behaviour, only 11,1% think that the risk of HIV/sexually transmitted infections is high and 12,6% 
think that there is no risk. Results of laboratory testing indicate a low level of HIV/sexually transmitted infections among 
sexual workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conclusions: Although there are a relative progress in prevention of HIV/
sexually transmitted infections among sexual workers and frequent testing on HIV/sexually transmitted infections compå to earlier periods, these are not enough for maintenance of a low level of infection. Further researches among 
this population would enable monitoring time trends of HIV epidemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina and become a basis 
for the development of preventable programmes.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Janja Bojanic, Gordana Guzijan, Ljubica Bojanic, Ljubica Jandric, Nina RodicVukmir, Jela Acimovic Prevalence of Hiv and the Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Sexual Workers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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