Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Prevalence of Group B Streptococcal Carriage in Pregnant Women

Manaswini Das, Lalitha S. , Subbarayudu S. , Mohanty D

Abstract :

Group B streptococci (GBS), also known as Streptococcus agalactiae, constitute one of the leading pathogens associated with early and late onset neonatal sepsis. Early onset neonatal sepsis is usually due to vaginal carriage in the mother and vertical transmission to the newborn infant during birth. 50 antenatal cases were screened for Group B streptococcal carriage during 35–37 weeks of pregnancy out of which only one case (2%) was found to be colonised with Group B streptococci. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done for the isolate. Appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary to prevent maternal complications and neonatal sepsis.

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Manaswini Das, Lalitha S., Subbarayudu S., Mohanty D Prevalence of Group B Streptococcal Carriage in Pregnant Women Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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