Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Prevalence of Dental Caries in Anterior Teeth in South Canara Population– a Three Year Epidemiological Study

Dr Mithra N Hegde, Dr Priyadarshini Hegde, Dr Raksha Bhat, Dr Lakshmi Nidhi Rao, Dr Ravi Dahiya

Abstract :

In the recent years the global distribution of dental caries presents a varied picture, most of the countries with low caries prevalence are experiencing an unprecedented increase in caries prevalence and severity of dental caries. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of caries in the anterior teeth in the South Canara population. The epidemiological investigation was carried out amongst 6000 patients visiting the outpatient department of A.B.Shetty institute of dental sciences and satellite centres over a period of 3 years diagnosed according to the W.H.O criteria 2000. All the data was coded and evaluated using the SPSS software 15.0 software package for statistical analysis. There was a strong correlation found between age, geographical location, type of diet, oral hygiene habits, malalignment of teeth and anterior teeth caries but no significant association was found between anterior caries and occupation.

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Dr Mithra N Hegde, Dr Priyadarshini Hegde, Dr Raksha Bhat, Dr Lakshmi Nidhi Rao, Dr Ravi Dahiya Prevalence of Dental Caries in Anterior Teeth in South Canara Population- a Three Year Epidemiological Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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