Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Prevalence of colorectal diseases in a tertiary care hospital

Varra Lakshmi, Venkata Ranga Reddy Valluru, M. Janaki, V. Neelima

Abstract :

Colorectum is a site for various diseases that cause morbidity and mortality in all age groups.The range of diseases include from benign lesions like polyps,ulcers,inflammatory diseases like Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis and infectious diseases like Tuberculosis,Amoebiasis to malignancies. With the availability of video endoscopy systems it is now easy to visualise the entire colon and enter distal ileum to see and diagnose various conditions and to take biopsies for histological examination. The biopsy material for the study was obtained by colonoscopy from the Department of Gastroenterology,and resected specimens were obtained from the Department of Surgery,Kurnool medical college,Kurnool.The two year study highlight the prevalence of various diseases affecting the colorectum.

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Varra Lakshmi, venkata ranga reddy valluru, M.Janaki, V.Neelima Prevalence of colorectal diseases in a tertiary care hospital Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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