Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Presence of Novel Chemical Diversity in Marine Environment

Dr. Chandan Kumar Sinha, Shruti R Hiremath

Abstract :

The potential application of molecular biology in marine biology is growing. The technological advancement in the molecular technology had significantly advanced in biological research. Now a days marine organisms and ocean process will be providing the solution to many diseases. Marine biology, marine molecular biology will define the human health and welfare. There are various subjects which can help in human welfare that is marine microbiology, marine inverteates, marine natural products etc. The reason being is that ocean plays an important role in human race. Marine scientist had discovered much about the ocean, its organisms and the technology development have been readily incorporated to the study of marine organisms as the model for understanding the biology. While the use of various microbiology molecular techniques will allow answering many question about global climate change, biodiversity, unanswered question about human health etc. Whereas the basic biology investigation will be key stone to develop techniques for assessing that physiological status in deciphering the biogeochemical cycle, oceanic process, toxin, discharge. Hence a wide fold increased in the research of marine science, biological science, the potential use of marine virus as vector for genetic manipulation can be understood an investigation can be done. Cancer has jeopardized many lives, and ocean has copious amount of anticancer drugs.

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Dr. Chandan Kumar Sinha, Shruti R Hiremat Presence of Novel Chemical Diversity in Marine Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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