Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Preparation and Food Product Development From Macrotyloma Uniflorum (Horse Gram) Bovine Milk Blends

Preeti Verma, Sheel Sharma, Vibha Sharma, Shilpi Singh, Nidhi Agarwal

Abstract :

Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is one of the inexpensive sources of protein, calcium and iron. The present study, aimed at developing horse gram extract–bovine milk blends (HEBMB), encompassed three phases. The first phase involved preparation of horse gram extract (HGE) using household processing steps, the second phase comprised analysis of proximate, minerals (calcium and iron) and antinutrients (tannins and total phenol) of HGE. The final phase involved blending of HGE with bovine milk (BM) in different ratios (40:60, 50:50 and 60:40) and developing milk based products (kulfi, papaya shake and kadhi) from them. Results of the study revealed that HGE contained 91.99 g moisture, 3.64 g protein, 0.25 g fat, 0.80 g crude fie, 0.13 g ash and 3.19 g carbohydrates per 100 ml. Sensory evaluation of products, on the basis of 9–point hedonic scale, revealed that all the variants of the various products prepared were acceptable.

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Preeti Verma, Sheel Sharma, Vibha Sharma, Shilpi Singh, Nidhi Agarwal Preparation and Food Product Development From Macrotyloma Uniflorum (Horse Gram) Bovine Milk Blends Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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