Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Preliminary screening of osteopenia and osteoporosis using Quantitative Ultra Sound bone densitometry: A study from South India

Bharathi R, Baby D

Abstract :

Osteoporosis, silently progressing metabolic bone disease is widely prevalent in India. The osteoporosis condition can be present without any symptoms for decades unless bone fractures. The early detection of low bone mass status is the best means of predicting the osteoporosis risk and reducing the fracture rates. In view of the need of prior identification of risk levels, the present study is focused on preliminary screening of osteoporosis in 152 urban women (35-74 years) in Andhra Pradesh using the cost effective bone densitometry technique, Quantitative Ultra Sound (QUS) bone densitometry. The results indicate an increasing trend of osteoporosis with the advancing age from younger (9.5 percent) towards elderly (73.1 percent). It is interesting to observe that nobody in the elderly group experiences normal bone status indicating suffering from either osteopenia or osteoporosis. The study represents the incidence of 32.9 percent osteoporosis in women screened for osteoporosis.

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Bharathi R, Baby D Preliminary screening of osteopenia and osteoporosis using Quantitative Ultra Sound bone densitometry: A study from South India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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