Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Pregnancy and Antidepressant: To be or not to be?

Dr. Tushar Bhatt, Dr. Sagar Karia, Dr. Avinash Desousa

Abstract :

 Depression is common during pregnancy and post partum period. Treatment of it is important as it affects both mother and the baby. But issue regarding safety of antidepressants is always there. Avoiding use of antidepressants is risky as it may be harmful to both mother and child. Using them can atlest treat depression of mother and she can take good care of child. This article is a small attempt to answer some of the queries regarding the same.

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Dr. Tushar Bhatt, Dr. Sagar Karia, Dr. Avinash Desousa Pregnancy and Antidepressant: To be or not to be? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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