Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Ms. Manjusha Kharole

Abstract :

 The rate of divorce in India is increasing at an alarming rate and is bound to increase further. India is a country where girl’s choice is not taken under consideration even when her educational level is increasing.Therefore an effort was made to find out the preferences of girl students about mate selection and married life. The study was conducted in Amalner Taluka. Fifty respondents were selected for the study.It was found that girls preffered mates with service,he should be post graduate, preferred arranged marriages,mode of made selection preferred was relatives and parents, and character of the spouse was of utmost importance.

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Ms. Manjusha Kharole / PREFERENCES ABOUT MATE SELECTION AND MARRIED LIFE / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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