Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Practices of Mothers on Infant Feeding in Slum and Urban Area of Agra District

Ankita Gupta, Ritu Sharma

Abstract :

Childhood is the crucial period of life span. The nutrition provided in this period affects the overall growth and development of child. Breastfeeding is the safest, least allergic infant feeding method. It has nutritional, immunological, behavioral and economic benefits and also provides desirable mother infant bonding. The current study was designed to explore the Practices of mothers towards infant feeding. This study was carried out in slum and urban area of Agra District. 200 mothers were selected from Agra district. 100 samples belonged to slum area and 100 samples belonged to urban area respectively. An “Interview Schedule” was used to collect all necessary information regarding the practices of mothers on infant feeding. The data was collected, tabulated and analyzed. 67.0% said east milk is given in an interval of 20 minute in each east and remaining 33.0% were negative in their answers. 81.5% said burping should be done after each feed and remaining 18.5% did not give positive answer.

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Ankita Gupta, Ritu Sharma Practices of Mothers on Infant Feeding in Slum and Urban Area of Agra District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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