Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Potential of Sonicated Sperm Proteins as an Immunocontraceptive Agent in House Rat, Rattus Rattus

S. Garg, D. K. Kocher, M. Chandra

Abstract :

Immunization of house rats with 500 µg of sonicated sperm proteins (SSP) resulted in maximum production of antisperm–antibodies (ASA) in the form of 93.88% positivity at 21 days post immunization (DPI) as compared to other two prepared antigens i.e 100 and 1000 µg of SSP. Study of various sperm parameters revealed a significant reduction in sperm concentration (million/ml) from 161.84±18.79 (control) to 16.40±0.90, percent sperm motility from 88.33±7.26 (control) to 46.67±1.67 and increase in percent sperm abnormalities from 1.55±0.45 (control) to 67.81±8.31 after immunization with 500 µg of SSP, indicating the potential of this antigenic preparation for its use as an immunocontraceptive agent.

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S. Garg, D.K. Kocher, M. Chandra Potential of Sonicated Sperm Proteins as an Immunocontraceptive Agent in House Rat, Rattus Rattus Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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