Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Potential of herbal medicines: A Review

Dr. Nancy Garg, P. Vijaya

Abstract :

 India has variety of medicinal plants than in any other country. These plants have been used as effective therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of severe diseases for centuries by almost every known culture for safety, efficacy, cultural acceptability and minimal side effects to human body. Due to side effects associate with synthetic drugs, these herbs are in great demand all over the world but some studies have recently reported that all these medicinal plants are not safe as severe consequences are reported for some herbal drugs. There is need to evaluate the biological activity of compounds in unexplored medicinal plants. Combination of newer modern technologies with established traditional practices would provide cure for many dreadful diseases in a more effective way

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Dr. Nancy Garg, P. Vijaya Potential of herbal medicines: A Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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