Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Postpartum Hemorrhage Resulting From Inherited and/ or Acquired Von Willebrand Factor Deficiency–Own Experience and Review of Literature

Grazyna Michalska 45 Krzanowska

Abstract :

Inherited and acquired forms of von Willeand factor (vWF) deficiency, referred to as von Willeand disease and syndrome, respectively, belong to the most frequent bleeding disorders. We present a case of previously undetected Willeand disease/syndrome which manifested in pregnant woman after otherwise uncomplicated cesarean delivery. In the hereby described case, the deficiency of vWF was accompanied by autoimmune hypothyroidism. Administration of FFP, cryoprecipitate and recombinant factor VIIa caused transient normalization of hemostasis in our patient. However, despite the normalization of thyroid function we did not achieve a persistent increase in vWF levels of our patient. Therefore, the patient was referred for further specialist evaluation and treatment at the tertiary center.

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Grazyna Michalska-Krzanowska Postpartum Hemorrhage Resulting From Inherited and/ or Acquired Von Willebrand Factor Deficiency – Own Experience and Review of Literature Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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