Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Postoperative IOP fall after cataract surgery

Dr. Sujata Chahande, Dr. Rashmi Dave

Abstract :

 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is a condition which leaves scalloped protein deposits on the internal lens of the eye that make the surface of the lens appear as if it is being peeled away.1 It is a generalised disorder of the extracellular matrix characterised by the production of abnormal basement memane–like material in several intraocular and extraocular tissues.2 It is the most common identifiable cause of open angle glaucoma worldwide. Cataract surgery seems to lower intraocular pressure on a sustained basis.This study has been conducted in western Maharashtra. The ophthalmic evaluation included recording of relevant ocular and medical history, best corrected visual acuity with Snellen’s chart, examination of the pupillary reaction, and slit lamp evaluation of the anterior segment. Intraocular pressure was recorded by Goldmann applanation and non–contact tonometry, preoperatively and postoperatively.In this study, we found the prevalence of pseudoexfoliation to be 4.13%, and mean fall in intraocular pressure following cataract surgery in these patients was 2.04 mmHg.

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Dr. Sujata Chahande, Dr. Rashmi Dave Postoperative IOP fall after cataract surgery Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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