Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Postoperative emesis in pediatric patients: Granisetron VS Granisetron and Dexamethasone combination

Dr. Rashmi Bengali, Dr. Shiksha Singh

Abstract :

 Granisetron  is a potent and highly selective 5–HT–3 receptor antagonist with no affinity for dopaminergic or adrenergic receptors.Its antiemetic efficiency increases when it is used in combination with steroids.60 patients undergoing for tonsillectomy ,of ASA 1 and 2, of either sex, of age 6 to 12 yrs were studied for post operative nausea and vomiting .Patients were allocated in two groups of 30 each. Grp A received Inj Granisetron 40µg/Kg while Grp B received combination of Inj Granisetron 40µg/Kg and inj Dexamethasone 150µg/Kg just after induction. Patients were observed for 24 hrs for incidence of vomiting ,retching, need of rescue antiemetic or any other side effect. Complete response was seen in 22(73.4%) patients in Grp A and 29(96.6%) patients in Grp B.

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Dr.Rashmi Bengali, Dr. Shiksha singh, Postoperative emesis in pediatric patients: Granisetron VS Granisetron and Dexamethasone combination, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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