Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2017

Post Truth Society: Public Opinion and Social Media

V. P Rakesh

Abstract :

 Media  has   witnessed  phenomenal  growth  as well as changes  during the last few decades .  The growth rate of social media  is unexpectedly very high. Especially Facebook,  and  Twitter have grown   faster and captured millions of users in just a few years. The way digital  technology is  becoming accessible , it is obvious that more and more people will join the social media  specially in developing . Though social media has democratized information – access to information as well expression of opinion ,, still  the growth of social media is  not without its perils. For  example it  could intrude   into  private space of individuals  and often used to create hype. Among the plethora of information and opinion – it is  a formidable task to  separate  authentic  information from  opinion, and objectivity and perception. Social media is often being used to obfuscate reality. It has been witnessed in recent elections and other public policy debates that objectivity  is  gradually being pushed aside and perceptions have dominated the scene in developing public opinion     ,     

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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V.P Rakesh, Post Truth Society: Public Opinion and Social Media, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾2 | February‾2017

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