Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Post traumatic tuberculous osteomyelitis of mid tarsal bone – a case report

Shah Pratik D. , Patel Bhavik P. , Patel Bhavik N. , Soman Shardul M.

Abstract :

Skeletal tuberculosis is a rare disease comprising 1–5% of the total population of tuberculosis patients and foot involvement accounts for less than 10% of osteoarticular tuberculosis. Tuberculosis osteomyelitis of the foot can also mimic a wide range of pathology. As a result, this condition is often misdiagnosed, or the true nature of the lesion is identified late in the diagnostic process. Such a rare case report of 23 year old male got blunt trauma over right foot initially managed conservatively complicated by abscess at local site treated by incision and drainage followed by non–healing discharging sinus. Diagnosis of tuberculosis was made by bone biopsy and curretage, histology of which demonstrated caseating granulomas. The patient made a full recovery on anti–tubercular treatment. A high suspicion index, careful clinical examination and modern imaging modalities and specialized tests would help to confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis at an early stage.

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Shah Pratik D., Patel Bhavik P., Patel Bhavik N., Soman Shardul M. Post traumatic tuberculous osteomyelitis of mid tarsal bone - a case report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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