Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Post Auricular Neurofibroma After Tympanomastoid Surgery–A Rare Case Report

Dr. Manas Ranjan Rout, Dr Ch P Das

Abstract :

Complications in tympanomastoid surgery are rare in experienced surgeon’s hand. Still many complications have been reported in the literature. Injury to facial nerve, sigmoid sinus, jugular bulb, mastoid emissary vein, dura and ossicular chain are common complications of mastoidectomy. There are some rare complications like pneumocephalus, pneumomediastinum, and Papilloedema and ain abscess following mastoid surgery. Post mastoidectomy tetanus is also a rare complication reported in the literature. Neurofioma after tympanomastoid surgery is a very rare complication we are presenting here. A 20 Year male patient came with history of painful swelling behind the left ear since four months which started two months after cortical mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty in same ear done in our hospital. Mass was excised under local anaesthesia and sent for histopathological study. Report came as neurofioma. Post operatively patient became asymptomatic and under follow up.. Post auricular neurofioma after tympanomastoid surgery is a rare complication and not been reported in literature. We are reporting this case because of its rare occurrence.

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Dr.Manas Ranjan Rout, Dr Ch P Das Post Auricular Neurofibroma After Tympanomastoid Surgery - A Rare Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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