Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Population Growth and Distribution in Developed & Developing Countries and among Major Regions & Continents of the World; Past, Present & Future Trends

Dr. P. Surender Reddy

Abstract :

Population Growth and Distribution in Developed & Developing Countries and among Major Regions and Continents of the World; Past, Present & Future Trend; presented in this study which is based mainly on data compiled and published by different stake holders. According to the medium variant of the United Nations projections the world’s population will reach eight billion in 2023, nine billion in 2050, and ten billion around 2100. Examining estimates of total and per capita income we must be impressed with the wide difference between the wealthiest and the poorest countries. The developed countries having the highest average incomes have undergone industrialization and modernization of the economy; the developing countries with lowest incomes are those with a predominance of agriculture in most cases. Data shows that the disparity between the prosperity of the industrial countries and poverty of the preindustrial countries was increasing in the last two decades. Balancing the population, focusing on development and disparity is the present task of planners.

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Dr. P. Surender Reddy Population Growth and Distribution in Developed & Developing Countries and among Major Regions & Continents of the World; Past, Present & Future Trends Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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