Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Population Dynamics of Rotifers of Silpara Dam, Rewa (M.P.) India

Dr. Dinesh Prasad Patel, Dr. Satanand Patel, Dr. Amitabh Mishra, Dr. Umesh Prasad Patel

Abstract :

The present paper deals with the study of qualitative and quantitative fluctuations of rotifers during July 2010 to June 2011 at Silpara Dam, Rewa (M.P.). Fifteen genera of rotifers were recorded with the density range from 105.6 to 913.06 ml/l. in surface and 52.8 to 616.5 ml/l in bottom region.  

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Dr. Dinesh Prasad Patel, Dr. Satanand Patel, Dr. Amitabh Mishra, Dr. Umesh Prasad Patel Population Dynamics of Rotifers of Silpara Dam, Rewa (M.P.) India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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