Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Poor School Performance and Auditory Evoked Potential- A review

Dr. Kaushal Kumar Alam, Dr. Y. Udayashankar

Abstract :

 Poor school performance, defined as a lower than expected academic achievement for a given age, cognitive abilities, and schooling, is complex and multifactorial. Poor school performance can result in child with low self–esteem and can cause significant stress to the parents. It is essential that cause for the poor school performance to be identified and appropriate strategy or treatment plan to be started early so that child can perform with full potential. Disorders of the auditory system affect academic performance are well known. Unlike speech and other behavioral auditory processing tests, auditory evoked potential (AEP) can be recorded regardless of a child’s developmental age or language, motivation or attention level. AEP can provide numerical data that can demonstrate central auditory nervous system maturation and, therefore can function as a biomarker of poor academic performance. Present study focuses on the researches that are done on the auditory evoked potential in poor school performance till recently

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Poor School Performance and Auditory Evoked Potential- A review , Dr. Kaushal Kumar Alam, Dr. Y. Udayashankar , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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