Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Poisoning and Drug Overdose admitted to Intensive Care Unit in an Urban Teaching Hospital–A retrospective study

Dr. Khalid I. Khatib, Dr. Dhondiram D. Munde

Abstract :

Background: Poisoning and Drug Overdose are common health problems in developed countries as well as developing ones. They may be accidental or deliberate with suicidal intention and cause emergencies which may be associated with morbidity and mortality, often high. Methods: Retrospective observational study was undertaken for 51 months. Hospital records of patients with a diagnosis of poisoning or drug overdose were studied and data was collected. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 33 patients of poisoning and drug overdose admitted to the intensive care unit included in the study (27 poisoning cases, 6 drug overdose cases). Maximum cases were in the age group of 21–30 years with 60% females. Organophosphates were most common poison and sedatives were most common drug overdose. Case fatality rate was 6%. Conclusions: Organophosphate pesticide and sedatives were most commonly used for self–harm. Young adults and females were common culprits. Preventive health programs should be undertaken to reduce its occurrence.

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Dr. Khalid I. Khatib, Dr. Dhondiram D. Munde Poisoning and Drug Overdose admitted to Intensive Care Unit in an Urban Teaching Hospital‾A retrospective study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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