Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018


Dr Harikrishnan Vannadil, Dr Sandeep Gupta, Dr Vangal K Sashindran, Ar Divya Pillai, Dr Sunandan Bhatta

Abstract :


Podcasts have been used by many artists around the world to disseminate their voice to audiences. The content comprises of music, talk shows and lectures. In many countries, there exist a shortfall of medical educators and resource. Podcasts can reach far flung areas with lower bandwidth than videos.


OBJECTIVE: To utilise the capabilities of podcasting to disseminate knowledge and help medical students understand ophthalmology topics in a lucid manner.


MATERIAL AND METHODS: Starting Dec 2015, thirteen episodes were written by an ophthalmology resident. Script was formalised after thorough study and research. Text was read by the voice artist in a home recording system. Each episode lasted 20 minutes. Recording and editing of each episode took 60 to 90min. The file was uploaded to hosting server with ID3 tags. The podcast featured in iTunes.  This process was repeated for all the thirteen episodes.


RESULTS: Over a period of 06months, a total of 13 podcast episodes were published which generated 4165 plays till Jul 2017. Highest played episode was 10th episode with 510 plays.  Maximum listeners were from USA with 2462 plays (59.11%), followed by India with 428 plays. 52% of listeners were returning listeners. The listeners increased with every new episode. The total downloads were at 101.


CONCLUSION: Podcasts on ophthalmology is a successful and well received project. Usage showed a good reception across the globe. The highest listeners being from a first world English speaking country is a proof that the quality in terms of production and content was adequate.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Harikrishnan Vannadil, Dr Sandeep Gupta, Dr Vangal K Sashindran, Ar Divya Pillai, Dr Sunandan Bhatta, PODCAST ON OPHTHALMOLOGY: A HIGH IMPACT, SUCCESSFUL, LOW BUDGET PRODUCTION, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

Number of Downloads : 621

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