Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Plastic Moulded Gear Blank Dimensional Conformance Using Grey Relational Analysis

Mr. D. V. Moghekar, Prof. V. A. Kulkarni

Abstract :

 Moulded plastic geå is rapidly becoming a real contender in moderate power geå applications. Maintaining the accurate dimensions of the gear (e.g. diameter and thickness) is the stringent requirement from the designer and becomes the challenge for manufacturer. In this paper, major focus is given on the optimizing the process parameters of injection moulding so that the robust system can be defined which can give the dimensional control on gear diameter and thickness. The process parameters chosen are Injection Pressure, Holding Pressure, Cooling Time, Hold on Time, Temperature and Injection Speed. For reliable experimentation, three levels are taken for each factor. Taguchi technique has been used to decide the number of experiments to be carried out and as per that L27 Orthogonal Array (OA) has been used. After conducting experiments using L27 OA, the results obtained are used to optimize the process parameters using Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) approach.

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Mr.D.V. Moghekar, Prof. V.A. Kulkarni Plastic Moulded Gear Blank Dimensional Conformance Using Grey Relational Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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