Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Plasmabit Movement – Anchoring System: Methodology of Design Concept Creation

Martin Zarnay, Ludov T Medvecky, Martin Sokol, Jozef Mudr K

Abstract :

When providing development of new products a lot of different working methods are applied, with respect to the product technical severity, inventive steps and other specific aspects not only concerned the product alone, however concerned to its development environment, production and operational conditions as well. The paper deals with an important phase related to the product development, which follows after having completed the submission concerned to that solution, which is closely related to creation of its functional and design concept, while the product example is considered to be an anchoring system, which creates an integral part the Plasmabit subsystem. However, the subsystem creates an integral part of massive technical system applied for geothermal well boring purposes as well.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Martin Zarnay, Ludovít Medvecky, Martin Sokol, Jozef Mudrák Plasmabit Movement - Anchoring System:Methodology of Design Concept Creation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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