Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Plasma Membrane Integrity of Sperm in Mithun (Bos Frontalis) Ejaculate

P. Perumal

Abstract :

 A study was undertaken to standardise the hypoosmotic solution to estimate the functional memane 

integrity of sperm in mithun. Sodium citrate and fructose based various hypoosmotic solutions (mOsm/l) 
were prepared and grouped into G1 (0), G2 (50), G3 (100), G4 (150), G5 (200), G6 (250) and G7 (300). Twenty five 
ejaculates were collected from five matured mithuns bulls and allowed for macroscopic evaluation followed by 10μl 
of semen was immediately added to 2ml of each different hypoosmotic solution and incubated for one hour at 37ºC 
in water bath. Sub sequentially, 20μl of diluted semen in hypoosmotic solution were evaluated using phase–contrast 
microscope. A total of 200 spermatozoa were counted in at least five different fields and sperm tails were classified as 
non–responded (non–coiled) and responded (coiled and strongly coiled). Result revealed that in total and strong coiling, 
G4 was superior to G1, G2, G6 and G7 (P<0.05). Further, result from G3, G4, and G5 had a similar increased percentage of coiling were grouped to assess differences among mithuns. The percentage of total coiling was differed significantly (P<0.05) among mithuns. It was concluded that 150 mOsm/l solution was most suitable for mithun spermatozoa.

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P. Perumal Plasma Membrane Integrity of Sperm in Mithun (Bos Frontalis) Ejaculate Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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