Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014


Mr. D. Gunaseelan, Dr. R. Kannan

Abstract :

The interconnectivity and reciprocity between pilgrimage and tourism are integral part of human travel. That is how ‘pilgrimage–tourism’ is conceived as an alternative for the solution; of course this is more inclined to metaphysical issue and life philosophy: meeting sacred–and–profane. Pilgrimage–tourism is considered now as strategy for heritage awakening, deeper experiences and transferring the religiosity into global humanism and spirituality. The sustainable frame of pilgrimage–tourism and heritage should be promoted in three ways: philosophical, organisa­tional, and managerial. The eco–healing approach to pilgrimage–tourism is considered as a post–modernist way to consider pilgrimage as a idge between recreation and spirituality; this way pilgrimage–tourism will provide a rational alternative for cultural consciousness and strategy for poverty alleviation. Realisation by personnel and trusts involved in promoting pilgrimage will further help in better development programmes. Keywords: components, ecospirituality, ethics, faithscape, hermeneutics, perspective, resource management, sustainability, spatiality

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Mr.D.Gunaseelan, Dr.R.Kannan PILGRIMAGE TOURISM AND PERSPECTIVES IN VILLUPURAM DISTRICT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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