Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Phytoremediating Capability of Amaranthus Polygonoides Under Zinc Application

Dr. S. Akilandeswari, A. Julie

Abstract :

Effect of zinc on the organic content was investigated in Amaranthus polygonoides plants grown in pot culture experiment with zinc treatment of different concentration. Zinc was applied to the soil in the form of zinc sulphate. The control leaves were sampled at 30th, 45th, 60th day and the stems were sampled at 60th day after sowing analysed by IR. Intensity variations were observed with the age of greens and with different concentrations (50,100,150,200,250(mg/kg)). From the present investigation, it was concluded that the 50–100 mg/kg level of zinc in the soil was beneficial for the growth of plants. Above 150mg/kg the zinc level proved to be toxic by decreasing extinction coefficient value. The results indicated that the 50–100 mg/kg zinc level can be applied to soil for increasing the organic content.

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Dr.S.Akilandeswari, A.Julie / Phytoremediating Capability of Amaranthus Polygonoides Under Zinc Application / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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