Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Phytochemical Screening of Bioactive Constituents in Indigofera cassioides Rottle. DC

S. P. Gudadhe, V. S. Dhoran, V. N. Nathar

Abstract :

Indigofera L. is a dicotyledonous plant, a member of Fabaceae family and has high medicinal uses. As there are large number of species each found its use in different manner depending upon its secondary constituents. The species, Indigofera cassioides Rottlt. DC. is a shrub with many important uses because of its secondary constituents and used as a vegetable by trible people and forage for animals. The present work deals with the phytochemical screening of medicinally important bioactive constituents of Indigofera cassioides qualitatively and quantitatively from the different plant parts along with the thin layer chromatography and the IR studies. The study will provide the referential information for use of this plant as a crude drug.

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S. P. Gudadhe, V. S. Dhoran, V. N. Nathar Phytochemical Screening of Bioactive Constituents in Indigofera cassioides Rottle. DC. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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