Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Physiotherapy influence on quality of life in patients with degenerative spinal diseases after surgery

Tsvetelina Bizheva, Daniela Lubenova, Ivan Maznev, Kristin Grigorova Ndash Petrova, Antoaneta Dimitrova

Abstract :

Objective: To evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on the quality of life in patients with degenerative spinal diseases in early postoperative period. Material and methods – 20 patients treated in the Department of neurosurgery in Sofiamed Hospital were studied. The quality of life was assessed before surgery and on day 12 after operation using the questionnaire short form 36 health survey. All patients performed everyday exercises to facilitate transfers, to improve coordination, activities of daily living and gait. Results: Physical therapy improves physical health and the emotional state of patients. Discussion: Results shows that the early postoperative physical therapy improves the quality of life in patients, after spinal surgery

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Tsvetelina Bizheva, Daniela Lubenova, Ivan Maznev, Kristin Grigorova –Petrova, Antoaneta Dimitrova Physiotherapy Influence on Quality of Life in Patients with Degenerative Spinal Diseases After Surgery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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