Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Physiological Characterization of Rabi Sorghum Genotypes For Drought Tolerance Under Irrigated and Rainfed Condition

S. V. Nirmal, S. R. Gadakh, R. S. Bhoge, U. S. Dalvi, M. S. Shinde

Abstract :

 Thirteen sorghum genotypes including four checks were evaluated for key physiological parameters that 

help to survive under drought conditions. This experiment was conducted in root box structure by maintaining medium type of soil. The root number, length, volume and fresh mass all these root parameters were significantly higher in irrigated condition than rainfed condition. Under irrigated condition highest root number (82.33), root 
length (97.67 cm), volume (136.00 ml) and fresh mass (164.00) was recorded by genotype CRS–19 while same genotype also recorded highest root parameters under rainfed condition. Moisture limitation under rainfed condition also 
decreased chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, grain and fodder yield. Genotype CRS– 19 was also found superior 
for root parameters , morpho– physiological , yield and yield contributing characters under rainfed and irrigated condition.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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S.V.Nirmal, S.R. Gadakh, R.S.Bhoge, U.S.Dalvi, M.S.Shinde Physiological Characterization of Rabi Sorghum Genotypes For Drought Tolerance Under Irrigated and Rainfed Condition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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