Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Physio–Chemical and Physiological Reactions of Waterlogging Stress on Aloe Vera L. Genotypes

Dr. G. Alagukannan, Dr. S. Ganesh

Abstract :

Aloe vera is extensively used in preparation of medicines, cosmetics and food supplements. In order to identify the Aloe vera genotype suitable for commercial cultivation in TamilNadu, a study was conducted at Gandhigram Rural University, Tamilnadu with 21 genotypes. Due to the heavy downpour of rainfall continuously for 96 hours and thereby waterlogging the lower two–three leaves of genotype IIHR AV15 started to wither from its tip to downward. The root system of the affected plants was blackened and bark peeled off with the formation of adventitious roots. The reasons viz., hindrance in gaseous phase of soil and oxygen transport, stomatal disfunctioning, perturbation in chlorophyll fluorescence, oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species, changes in soil pH and evolution of toxins were discussed. Among the genotypes studied, except IIHR AV15 all other genotypes can be potentiality utilized for future eeding programmes aiming at waterlogging stress.  

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Dr. G. Alagukannan, Dr. S. Ganesh Physio-Chemical and Physiological Reactions of Waterlogging Stress on Aloe Vera L. Genotypes Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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