Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017


Munirah M. , Ahmad, S. H. , Ghazali, H. M, Ketaren B. R, Tajidin, N. E. , Salleh, N. S

Abstract :

 Moringa oleifera is a multipurpose tree as it is cultivated for vegetable, spice, cosmestic oil and medicinal plant. M. oleifera oil contains all the main fatty acid including oleic acid which is very stable when used for frying. Moreover, it has the potential to become a new source of high oleic acid oil. Previous study only focused on medicinal and nutritional aspects of the tree parts. However, there is lack of information on the morphological variations of M. oleifera grown in Malaysia. Thus, the objectives of the study were to determine the phenotypic variations among M. oleifera accessions, the performance of stem cuttings of two selected accessions as propagation material, and the growth and maturation of pod of a selected accession. Morphological characteristics were used to assess levels of polymorphism across 20 accessions of M. oleifera in situ and ex situ. There were variations on morphological characteristics between accessions of M. oleifera based on stem girth, leaf length, leaf width, pod length, pod diameter, pod weight, seed number/pod, seed diameter and seed weight indicating the presence of genetic variability among accessions. Among the 20 accessions S05 had the highest seed weight followed by S04, with a difference of 3.7% seed weight. As for seed number/pod, accession P05 had the highest value followed by P03, with a difference of 4.7%. These two characteristics are beneficial in the selection of M. oleifera as they contribute to the total yield. 

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Munirah M., Ahmad, S.H., Ghazali, H.M, Ketaren B.R, Tajidin, N.E., Salleh, N.S, PHENOTYPE VARIATIONS AMONG Moringa oleifera ACCESSIONS IN MALAYSIA, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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