Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Personality Assessment of The Elite Indian Women Cricket Players

Neha Sharma, Annu, Vijay Kumar, Malkeet Kaur, Dr. Dinesh P. Sharma

Abstract :

The main purpose of the study was to assess the personality traits of the elite Indian women’s cricket players. For the purpose of the study the subjects selected were the members of the National Women Cricket camp organized for Women Cricket World Cup 2013.All the selected subjects were representing India. Eysenck’s personality inventory was used to assess the respective personality traitsIn this study, to analysis and assess the personality traits and psychological mindset of the Elite Indian Women Cricket Players , the following descriptive statistical calculation were computed – mean, standard deviation and co–efficient of variation. The findings of the study clearly indicate that the elite Indian women cricket players are stable in neurotic and Extraversion personality traits.

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Neha Sharma, Annu, Vijay Kumar, Malkeet Kaur, Dr. Dinesh P. Sharma Personality Assessment of The Elite Indian Women Cricket Players Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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